Kindness Kitty

& Pawsitive Puppy

Mission of the Project

Kindness Kitty & Pawsitive Puppy aims to spread kindness in everyday interactions and promote awareness

for World Kindness Day celebrated each year on November 13th.

Kindness Workshops

These workshops were previously held to promote World Kindness Day. All of the workshop material is available here for you to recreate your own workshop!

Kindness Cards

Kindness cards can be used by anyone to spread kindness. These are available to print.

Instagram Content

Kindnesskittiesgogold posts multiple times a day with suggestions on how to be kind, how to be more positive in your daily life, and how to make the world a better place. Follow this account for simple ways to keep going with this project.

Going Gold

As a Girl Scout Gold Award this project is created with sustainability in mind. Everyone with internet access will be able to see the presentation, make it their own, and have what they need to carry out their own kindness workshops.

Want to know more?

Follow KindnessKittiesGoGold on Instagram for the latest!