Make Your Own Kindness Kitty or Pawsitive Puppy!
Make Your Own Kindness Kitty or Pawsitive Puppy!
Would you like your own Kindness Kitty or Pawsitive Puppy?
Would you like your own Kindness Kitty or Pawsitive Puppy?
We have two options for you to get your own Kindness Kitty or Pawsitive Puppy. One is to purchase the ones we use(d) in our workshop through Stuffed Safari or you can use the following to download, color, and cut out your own Kindness Kitty or Pawsitive Puppy.
Kindness Kitty
Kindness Kitty
This cat was created specifically for this project, feel free to print and color this cat. Don't forget to share your creation with us on Instagram!
Pawsitive Puppy
Pawsitive Puppy
This dog was created specifically for this project, feel free to print and color this dog. Don't forget to share your creation with us on Instagram!
Calico Cat
Calico Cat
Corgi Dog
Corgi Dog